Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Following the Impact of ISC: Growing the Game for Girls at Gulu University

ISC Assistant Director Lisa Berg interviews players at Gulu University
While in Gulu, a town in Northern Uganda, Majidah Nantanda and Lisa Berg visited Gulu University.  The two ISC coaches met with the sports tutor who introduced them to eager young women from the University who wanted to play the game that is not normally considered a female sport.  

ISC Coach Majidah Nantanda

Coach Majidah Nantanda is the Head Coach of the National Women’s Soccer Team in Uganda and she was trained by the International Sport Connection in 2010.  Lisa Berg is the Assistant Director of the International Sport Connection and the Technical Advisor for Women’s Football in Uganda.  She is also currently a graduate research assistant at Texas Tech University.  
ISC Assistant Director Lisa Berg
The young women from Gulu University shared their stories of having a desire to play soccer but never having the opportunity to do so.  These young women had never seen women playing soccer before so the visit from the national coaches was eye opening.  Majidah Nantanda was the former captain of the Women's National Team and played in many international events.  Lisa Berg was a Division I College Soccer player in the U.S. and both Majidah and Lisa were more than happy to impress the young women in small-sided games.

ISC Assistant Director Lisa Berg plays with young women in Uganda
The national coaches showed the young female soccer players from Gulu University the proper structure for a training session that includes a warm-up, technical work with a ball, small-sided games, and a cool-down.  They also interacted with the new generation of players and discussed opportunities for the players to be trained as coaches, referees, and administrators.  The players invited the coaches back the next day and they all hoped to stay in touch and grow the game of soccer for women and girls.

Meeting with the sports tutor at Gulu University about growing opportunities for girls in sports
Part of the important work done by the International Sport Connection happens after the trainings and coach exchanges.  Lisa Berg recently spent over 6 months following up with ISC coaches and looking for creative solutions to increasing knowledgeable youth coaches and providing caring adult mentors for boys and girls in East Africa. 

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