Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 ISC Ugandan Basketball Coach Exchange: California Sun and Westmont

No one should visit California without getting to walk on the beaches and feel the Pacific waves on their toes.  The Ugandan basketball coaches didn’t miss out on these adventures either.  As part of the 2013 Ugandan Basketball Coach Cultural Exchange, the International Sport Connection introduced the coaches to experiences unique to the United States.  

From the historic Santa Monica Pier with its rollercosters to the Mission’s beautiful scenery to tasting seafood in Malibu, Sam Obol, Albert Aciko, Janet Nakkazi, and Sylvia Twesigye experienced life in California.

After the cultural adventures, the ISC Ugandan Coaches also stopped by Westmont College to meet staff and students as well as shoot around with the basketball teams on campus.

Thank you to SportsUnited, a division of the U.S. State Department for funding this International Sport Connection Cultural Exchange.  For more information, visit

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